Iidabashi Grand Bloom, 2-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Registration is closed
Hello ladies and gentlemen, we hope you are well. It is really unbelievable that you can count the number of weeks left to the year end on one hand. So let us have a special meeting quickly, OWASP Day on Nov 29th in the afternoon, at Internet Initiative Japan, Iidabashi!!
OWASP Meeting/Night – The OWASP Japan Local Chapter Meeting (OWASP Night will be at night) is held in the form of seminars and lightning talks. It’s an opportunity for people interested in web security to get together and exchange information and opinions in a casual and fun environment. There are no requirements in terms of skills, profession, nationality, gender or age. Anyone interested in web security is free to participate.
Please take a look at OWASP Japan wiki page to see the program.
OWASP Asia Tour (Tokyo tab)
13:00 Welcome OWASP ASIA TOUR 2014 (Riotaro OKADA, Sen UENO with Contributors)
Introducing OWASP Activities in 2014 (Tobias Gondrom/OWASP Board member)
13:40 Security analytics: Measuring online attacks on a large scale to design better defenses (Nicolas Christin/Carnegie Mellon University)
14:10 暗号の安全の考え方 (申 吉浩/兵庫県立大学)
short break
14:50 Making Your Own Static Analyzer Using Freud DSL (Marat Vyshegorodtsev/Rakuten)
15:20 Secure Mobile Application Development
(Wannasai Yannarak/Rakuten, OWASP Thailand)
15:50 スマートフォンアプリケーション脆弱性や
チートのリスクマネジメント(吉川 正晃/DeNA)
16:30 Proxy War - 最強のクライアントProxyはどれだ!?
(洲崎 俊, OWASP ZAP:亀田 勇歩, Burp:小河 哲之,
Fiddler:本田 崇)
17:15 From OWASP JAPAN
17:xx dismiss
Web Site:
OWASP Asia Tour (Tokyo tab)
[IMPORTANT] Enter from the Office entrance and go up to 2nd floor, and then you will see the registration counter.
We will open the registration counter at noon, and it will close it at 1pm. This means it will be difficult for you to enter the seminar room after 1pm, so you may come the venue just on time.